Sunday 12 January 2014

I supposed an introduction is in order ;]

Hello everyone…. I’m Advent and I am a 21 years old student with a mission to pass the final exam this year. Well, it’s not like I didn’t pass the last exam but I just want to do my best here okay… Ehemm.. Back to the topic... Honestly speaking I don’t want to revealed much about my identity because I like being all mysterious and sexy (where the hell did that come from?) but I can share you my story…maybe about something interesting  I’ve gone through everyday…or some new knowledge or wonder of the day of some sorts (if I got the time to post since my exam is around the corner )... Hmm...I think that's all from me... Now I'm going to bed... zZZZ

In case you are wondering why my blog's name is House of 14th?Sound kinda creepy huh...but well             honey, I'm not going to tell you now... in the next post perhaps...see ya 

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