Friday 17 January 2014

I'm Blessed

Arrrghhh.... I can't deny it...totally can't deny it

Yes! I'm so bloody lucky to have such wonderful, loving, and totally cool parent... guessed it...I am spoiled rotten by my parent ;]

Ever since I was born I my parent always gave me what I want and need
[even though I may not received it at the time I asked (months/years & I need to earn it) but I got it at the end, it may be different or better than what I've asked but I always get something]

For example, last year I whined about I can't read my lecture notes on my phone because it's too small, so that I want Note 2 ( it's not too big or too small) and BOOM!!! 5 months later my Dad bought me Samsung Note 2 (I'd like to think the reason why my Dad bought me that phone is because I've done well in my end semester exam)

Another thing is my parent always come and visit me at my university and take me home and then sent me back by car (2 hrs journey back and forth)... never by spoiled

That's only the little thing that I can see what they did...But... What about the time, care, money that they had spent for me? It is unimaginable... Even if I have a mountain of gold... I still won't be able to repay them... [Money can't buy love, time... it can buy happiness- it sure makes life comfortable, but it is not complete happiness, buy friends, but not real lovers...but- should I say more  ="= ]

Yet sometimes I find myself getting annoyed or angry at my Mom or Dad... because as their child, in that brief moment of anger I forget about their sacrifices... There are times when I look back at what I've done I feel like slapping myself hard in the face...

without my parent to educate me to a useful human being, without their prayer, without the canning...honestly I won't be the person I am today... I would've ever thought to further my studies in medicine...
My MOM, DAD and GOD has made all things possible...

I promised to myself, that one day I'll become a doctor I will buy something special for my mom and dad with my first salary...
And then I will cherish them and support them forever...financially and in every aspect.. I will take care of them just how they take care of me when I was a baby...
And God please, please...let my parent have long that I can repay them

Mom and Dad, even though I may never say it...because just like you Dad, I'm bad with expressing myself and I definitely cry and the words won't come out...but I hope I can prove it to you guys via my action... please forgive whatever stupid things I've done...because I may do it again, but I always. always love you very much... because you are the only Mom and Dad that I have...please bear with me.

                                                                                                             Sincerely,  Your Spoiled Child

 p/s: Thank God, I was alone, I don't know what to say if my friends caught me crying


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