Friday 17 January 2014

Broken Relation

Hello…hi everyone…tomorrow is a holiday so I’ve decided to post something while I have the time… I'm so stress right now...but thank you God for lending me strength.

I need to let it flow...(I'm in need for inner peace) 

Broken relationship…I guess most of the people out there had felt this…whether it’s your gf/bf/bff or any other fucking f out there…just seems to drift apart… Here is the story of 3 best friends…

Long time ago, in a far northern island, lived A, B and C which is a very close friend. Everywhere they go, they are always together. The three friends always eat, play, and share jokes with each other. However, A, B and C knows they have problems with their temper. A has the most ANGER when provoked, and B has a BAD TEMPERED, while C is also capable of getting very furious but have a cooler attitude towards the things that angered them (higher threshold). So out of the three, C is the COMPOSED, even-tempered one.

Although on the surface A, B and C seems happy together, B always turns to C for advice on how to control A’s wrathfulness. There is also a time where A seeks C opinion on B’s ill temperedness. Thus C is left with all these secrets from both A and B bad mouthing each other. Little did they know, that C is getting annoyed with A and B attitude toward each other, and started to be angry with them but only kept it in C’s heart, because C love A and B so much. Although C knows that C is more capable of becoming way more pissed off than both A and B combined. Both A and B had seen each other getting angry, but they never once see C become one because C always kept it inside.

Suddenly, one day A decided to ignore both B and C without solid reason. A went and search for new companion D, E, and F. B and C are left together. But soon they reconcile. And then again, A decided to ignore C and for some unknown reason, A always finds fault in C. A and C didn’t talk to each other as much as they did before. Completely ignoring each other, even though they sit next to each other in class. It was A that ignored C first, but C didn’t have issues with A. Every time C tries to talk to A, A always replies as if A is burden to talk to C. Thus, they didn’t talk to each other for approximately 3 weeks.   

C in the story was me… I feel like I am losing my best friend…Yes..yes we seem to get angry easily but NOBODY IS PERFECT. 
This is stressing me out the way A treats me like I didn’t exist… What to do? =”= 
If I did something wrong tell me, don't ignore me :'(

p/s: sorry for any grammatical error (sigh)

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